Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Andrew Martyn Sugars 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Anne Guest 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Antonio Roberts 29%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Carl Robinson 31%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Christine Gray 29%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Claire Flint 27%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Clare Morgan 40%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM David Bethell31%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Dee Sheils 24%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Elena Cassidy-Smith 24%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Georgina Vinsun 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Govinda Prasad-Sah 29%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Hamish Walker 31%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Helen Grundy24%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Helen Stevenson 44%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Katie Hollender 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Katie May Shipley 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Kim Clarkson 31%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Kirsty E. Smith 42%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Lindsey Cotterill 40%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Michael Horsnall 38%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Michelle Greenwood 29%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Paula McCann 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Rachel Grant 29%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Richard Brammer and Vikki Brown 24%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Sarah Cavani 27%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Sarah Turner 20%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Sookyung Huh 27%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Steffie Richards 36%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Steven Wheatley 24%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Wayne Thexton 44%
Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Yvette Hawkins 31%
Which means that Anwyl Cooper-Willis WLTM Wayne Thexton and Helen Stevenson the most, but since Wayne Thexton WLTM Alex Staiger more: Anwyl and Helen WLTM 44%.
Are all the results of the compatiability being published on the blog, and in what order?
Yes, all results will be displayed on the blog - in almost alphabetical order as they are completed.
Why almost alpahbetical? did you miss someone out? :-) I'm enjoying watching how this works out.
As andrew martyn sugars aplied later than anwyl cooper-willis I had already begun to work out anwyl's compatability percentages - but from now on the results will be displayed alphabetically. Glad you are enjoying the process.
Best - The Director.
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